to take Mary as his wife.
An angel of the Lord appeared on to Mary to let her know that
she was chosen to be the mother of Jesus.
Dear friends ,
We often hear comments about angels, but who knows if they
are real. We celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ each year,
without questioning anything.
Here are some simple facts about angels in the bible:
Luke 1: 26-38, tells about the angel Gabriel who was sent
by God, to a virgin whose name was Mary. He was given
a message for her, that she was selected to be the mother
of Jesus Christ.
In Mathew 1: 1-20, an angel of the lord appeared to Joseph
in a dream , to tell him to take Mary to be his wife, although
she was pregnant. This was done by the supernatural power
of a Mighty God.
Friends, angels are God's messengers. Here is a wonderful
story of someone who also experienced firsthand, the work
of an angel .Just click on the link here.