Paul the apostle was a very devoted servant of the Lord
Jesus Christ. However, this was not always the case.
Paul's history was one of great hostility to the word
of God. Before his conversion to Christianity, he not
only persecuted the Christians, but helped to engineer
the death of Steven a devout Christian.
But Paul came to know Jesus through his failure to love
Jesus. He was on the road to Damascus, with several others
to continue the persecution of Christians, when he saw a bright
light. He fell from his horse and he heard the voice of Jesus.
Jesus asked him why was he persecuting the church. He could
not see. Jesus commanded him to go in to the city and he would
be instructed what to do.
Later a righteous man called Ananias was given a vision and
instructions to go to where Paul was staying and restore his
vision. Even though Ananias was afraid, he did obey and Paul's
vision was restored.
This encounter with Jesus was a valuable lesson for Paul. He
became a sincere follower of Jesus and suffered greatly for
his beliefs. But he was not discouraged and remained faithful
until death. His life is found in the Book of Acts ( in the Bible).